Greetings members; please find below an update on all things NSWAFI!
AAFI 2016 Conference
Today marks exactly one year until the NSWAFI hosts the AAFI 2016 conference. Things are moving ahead nicely; we have a verbal agreement with Steve Carman from Carman & Associates Fire Investigation in California. He is a renowned investigator throughout our industry and has completed many test burns. This is what we are going to utilise in the conference as there will be a one day, off-site practical workshop at Londonderry.
Court Testimony Training Course
NSWAFI is conducting a one day workshop at the State Coroners Court on Wednesday, 14 October. This will be a training day around testimony for fire investigators in Australia. Anna Davey from Forensic Foundations will be providing the training. The one day workshop is limited to 25 people. Places are filling quickly, so if you are interested please email our Treasurer.
Facebook Page
NSWAFI has created a Facebook page. This is to provide information to members and friends about what is happening within the association. Posts made on our News blog on the website are also posted on our Facebook page. Please like our page and recommend it to your friends.
Education Nights
We are planning an education night for Thursday, 3 December and we will be utilising Hornsby RFS to host. More information will be forthcoming, but keep this date free. The Committee is currently planning Education Nights for 2016, if you have any topics or presentations that the association would find interesting then please let us know.
From now on, non-members will be charged $10 to attend our Education Night presentations. This is because we offer these nights to our members and this is a benefit of membership. If attendees join on the night of the presentation, the $10 fee will be deducted from their membership dues.
Don’t forget we now have merchandise for sale through our new website. Please email our Merchandise Officer with any specific questions about our products.