Case Study: Griffith University Battery Energy
Storage System (BESS) Thermal Incident
Today’s green energy policies and the effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has led to an increase in solar and batteries storage system installations to commercial and residential buildings. So, what happens when a 1 Mega Watt capacity lithium-ion battery bank catches fire?
This presentation will review:
• The fire development sequence, including the tactical challenges faced by firefighters.
• The Fire Investigation determinations and outcomes.
• The impact of compartment design on fire development.
• The existing National Construction Code (NCC) specifications for building design of these types of installations.
• The future challenges for managing risk outcomes of fire events involving BESSs.
The presenter is Station Officer Christopher Markwell has been with Queensland Fire and Emergency Service (QFES) for 32 years and had worked as a Fire Investigator for periods between 2002 and 2016. He is currently part of the QFES Cladding Support Unit, providing advice to Building Certifiers on the review of the potential credible impact of combustible cladding materials on the fire safety strategy for buildings.
To register your interest please use the booking form on the NSWAFI website on the Event Calendar. The flyer for the event can be downloaded below.