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June Education Night - Thursday 2 June 2022, 18:00 hours.

Impact of Ventilation on Fire Patterns

The impact of ventilation on a fire can be challenging to even the most experienced fire investigators. Therefore, it is paramount that the fire investigator has a thorough understanding of the effects ventilation can have on a developing fire and the subsequent fire patterns it can leave behind.

This presentation has an added bonus. You are strongly recommended to complete a free tested online class on the subject topic via this Link before attending this presentation. When you pass the test, you also get a certificate to add to your Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Note the online course may take a couple of hours to complete. However, it is extremely well presented, challenging, and contains extremely useful information for everybody, not just fire investigators, so please share the above link with your family and friends.

After gaining the basics from the course, Dr Madrzykowski will present some more recent results, and allow for member discussion. This is a must presentation for all fire investigators, so please don’t miss this live opportunity to ask Dr Madrzykowski any questions you may have on this topic.


We are extremely lucky to have this topic and new research presented to us, all the way from the USA (over Zoom of course) by Dr Dan Madrzykowski, the Director of Research for Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Fire Safety Research Institute.

To register your interest please use the booking form on the NSWAFI website on the Event Calendar. The flyer for the event can be downloaded below.

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