Strengthening Fire and Explosion Investigation:
A Strategic Vision for Moving Forward
This presentation will discuss the recent release of the Strategic Vision on the state of fire investigation in the United States. It describes where the profession is today, where it should be, and importantly how we can get there. It has been produced by the Organisation of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC) for Forensic Science. This strategic plan looks to improve our forensic science discipline and provides a series of recommendations for how to improve the practice of fire investigation.
The presenter is John Lentini who has been involved in fire investigation for over 40 years. He has been a member of the Technical Committee (TC) for NFPA 921 for over 20 years and a current member of the NFPA 1033 TC. He has also published three editions of his book Scientific Protocols fir Fire Investigation. He is a leading voice in the fire investigation industry around the world. He is also a co-author on the OSAC Strategic Vision.
What has this got to do with Australia you might think? Well, most of the literature about fire investigation comes from the US. What is happening in the US can happen here. The problems associated with Fire Investigation in the US can be problems here in Australia and NZ. If we know what the problems are in the US, we can avoid them being a problem here. As a fire investigator you need to keep up to date with what is happening in our industry and this presentation will provide an inciteful update.
Below is a copy of the strategic vision report from the OSAC sub committee. It is 150 pages long, but worth a read to give you a full understanding of what is happening in the US.
Please note that this education night will be at 9am in the morning as John is in Florida and his local time will be 6pm.
To register your interest please use the booking form on the NSWAFI website on the Event Calendar. The flyer for the event can be downloaded below.