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Expert Referral Service

Greetings fellow members,

From time to time, the NSWAFI gets approached to provide a referral for an expert in the fire investigation field. Each time this has occurred, we have had to write back and state that we are an education association, not a referral association. The Committee has thought about this approach and decided that, as an Association, we have many members that are experts in the field of fire investigation and if people choose to look for such a person then we should be able to provide a list of people who can be contacted for expert referral.

As a result, the Committee has decided to create a page on our website for this purpose - the Expert Referral Service. We are now seeking details from members who wish to be on this list. There will be two requirements to be considered for inclusion on the list:

1) You must be a financial member of the NSWAFI;

2) You must be in good standing within the NSWAFI.

If you wish to contribute your details to the Expert Referral Service of the NSWAFI website, please contact the Secretary with your name, company affiliation, contact number, email address, and specific area of expertise. The page will not feature logos or website addresses; just individual contact details. This list will be approved by the committee prior to being published on the website. The new webpage will be put online once the initial applications have been received and approved.

This will mean that anyone who comes to our website looking for an expert will see a list of NSWAFI members offering their expertise. They will then have the choice of who to contact. The Member Organisations page will continue to function as normal. Organisations with more than two employees who are financial members of NSWAFI can be included on the Member Organisations list. Contact the Webmaster for details.

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